Becoming a Freemason in Surrey and a member of The Waterfall Lodge is comparatively straight forward.
If you have found this site of interest and think you would like to join us in Chertsey, then please get in touch to arrange if you wish, for both you and your wife/partner to attend one of the up and coming social events that might be near to time of your inquiry, or perhaps a quiet get together at a local Pub. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions and for a couple of the Lodge members to get to know you and for us all to be certain that Freemasonry is for you. All you need do is make contact with our Lodge Secretary and he can then set the wheels in motion.
The process for joining the Freemasons in Chertsey, Surrey:
The Application
Once the lodge is satisfied that you are an honorable man your application form can be completed. You will be proposed by a member of the lodge and seconded by another in order to endorse the application.
Your Interview
The first stage of your application is for the committee members of The Waterfall Lodge to conduct an interview with you in order to find out a bit more about you. You will be informed of the outcome once a decision has been reached usually the same evening.
The Ballot
Your application will be read out at the next regular meeting where the members of the lodge will be given the opportunity to vote on your admission into the lodge.
Once the administration has been completed a date will be set for your admission into the lodge. Either the Lodge Secretary or Membership Officer will communicate with you in preparation for your big day!
The following is a copy of a booklet ‘Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?’ which will give you good insight into Freemasonry and is produced by the United Grand Lodge of England.
You can download a copy here